Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation / Steve Pickard
South Biscay
About this Product
The eighth edition of the Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation’s South Biscay pilot covers the Spanish coast of the Bay of Biscay coast from Hendaye on the French border to A Coruña in Galicia.
This edition has been completely revised and updated by author Steve Pickard, with comprehensive information on marinas, ports, anchorages and sailing passages accompanied by new photographs and updated Imray chartlets. Introductory sections give a taste of the region both in terms of history, culture and tourism but also provide detailed information on regulations, weather patterns and other topics relevant to yachts.
South Biscay is the complete reference for yachts exploring this long Biscay coast of Spain.
See Inside
Product Information
- Stock code: IB0188-1
- Author: Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation / Steve Pickard
- Publication details: A4 210 x 297mm, Paperback
- Edition: 8th
- Edition date: 2023
- ISBN: 9781786794352
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