Kendall Carter
Reeds Astro Navigation Tables 2025
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About this Product
Reeds Astro Navigation Tables is the established book of annual astro-navigation tables compiled specifically for the needs of boaters. This superbly compact almanac and sight reduction tables contains all the information the ocean-going sailor needs in order to navigate by the sun, moon, stars and planets, using tables devised by practical ocean navigators. This book, together with a sextant, will enable sailors to navigate confidently and safely when out of the sight of land. The book continues to feature the well-received additions of the past few years, including forms to help determine True Altitude (for the sun, stars and planets), Calculated Altitude (using the versine formula) and Azimuth (using the ABC Tables), as well as a pro forma for calculating Intercept. These tables, along with clear and easy to use star ID charts, mean you can resolve any calculation you're ever going to need. There is also an introductory section on practising ashore, with helpful worked examples as an aide memoire. With 8 extra pages and an improved layout, there is plenty of space for making notes and calculations. Being so easy to use, Reeds tables encourage active navigation and a better understanding by sailors of where they have been and where to go next – rewarding in itself and essential in the event of GPS failure. Superbly compact and lightweight Almanac and sight reduction tables - easy to use and store, with no loss of accuracy. Includes an introductory section on practising ashore and provides helpful worked examples as an aide memoire. Includes clear and easy to use star charts, so doesn't require any other publications. Handy sight forms to work out True Altitude, Calculated Altitude, Azimuth and Intercept. Annual publication for yearly updates of astro-navigation tables - a long-term core title for Adlard Coles.
See Inside
Product Information
- Stock code: RBADL0058-10
- Author: Kendall Carter
- Publisher: Instructional
- Publication details: 297 x 210mm, Paperback
- Edition date: 2024
- ISBN: 9781399416702
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