Imray Iolaire
E2 Islas Canarias
About this Product
- Plans included:
- Tazacorte (1:10 000)
- Puerto de Santa Cruz (1:12 500)
- Puerto de la Estaca (1:7500)
- Puerto de San Sebastian de la Gomera (1:10 000)
- Dársena de Los Llanos (Marina Santa Cruz) (1:17 500)
- Dársena Pesquera (Marina Tenerife) (1:17 500)
- Puerto de las Palmas (1:30 000)
- Morro Jable (1:12 500)
- Gran Trajal (1:10 000)
- Marina Rubicón (1:25 000)
- Puerto Calero (1:15 000)
- Puerto de Naos & Los Marmoles (Marina Lanzarote) (1:12 500)
- Estrecho del Río (1:50 000)
Imray-Iolaire charts for Atlantic Islands are widely acknowledged as the best available for the cruising sailor. They combine the latest official survey Digital with first-hand information gathered over 60 years of research by Don Street Jr and his wide network of contributors.
Like all Imray charts, they are printed on water resistant Pretex paper for durability, and they include many anchorages, facilities and inlets not included on official charts. This edition includes the latest official Digital combined with additional information sourced from Imray's network to make it ideal for small craft. It includes the latest official bathymetric surveys.
The finished harbour works at Puerto de Naos & Los Marmoles and Playa Blanca (Lanzarote) are included. There has been general updating throughout.
See Inside
Product Information
- Stock code: ICE2-4
- Author: Imray Iolaire
- Publication details: 640 x 900mm folded to A4, Water-resistant paper chart in plastic wallet
- Edition date: 2022
- Printed and updated to: October 2023
- ISBN: 9781786794284
Digital Edition
Digital editions, where available, are sold via third party websites which deal with all transactions. If there is no link below then no digital edition is available at this time.