2500 The Channel Islands and adjacent coast of France Chart Pack
About this Product
A convenient A2 format chart pack of the Channel Islands and the adjacent coast of France in a sturdy plastic wallet.
This fully revised edition includes the latest official UKHO data, combined with additional information sourced from Imray's network to make it ideal for small craft. The chart pack includes all the navigational charts and tidal data for passage, approach and mooring.
This edition has been reschemed to show passage from as far east as Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue and Barfleur. The harbour plan of Port de Chantereyne (Cherbourg) has been extended so show greater approach detail. There has been general updating throughout.
This product is also available wiro bound, see stock code IC2500-4W.
2500.1 Approaches to the Channel Islands 1: 500 000 WGS 84
2500.2 Pointe de Barfleur to Cap de la Hague 1: 155 000 WGS 84
Plans Cherbourg (1:40 000), Port de Chantereyne (Cherbourg) (1:10 000)
2500.3 Alderney & Burhou 1: 25 000 WGS 84 Plan Alderney Harbour (1:12 500)
2500.4 Passages Between Alderney & Guernsey 1: 150 000 WGS 84 Plan Diélette (1:15 000)
2500.5 Guernsey, Herm & Sark 1: 60 000 WGS 84
2500.6 East Guernsey & Herm 1: 25 000 WGS 84
2500.7 Guernsey & Sark Plans 1: various WGS 84
Plans St Peter Port & Havelet Bay (1:6000), Beaucette Marina (1:10 000), Sark Anchorages (1:25 000), Guernsey - South Coast Anchorages (1:25 000)
2500.8 Passages between Guernsey & Jersey 1: 150 000 WGS 84
Plan Carteret (1:22 500)
2500.9 Jersey & Les Écrehou 1: 75 000 WGS 84
2500.10 Approaches to St Helier 1: 30 000 WGS 84
Plan St Helier Harbour (1:15 000)
2500.11 East Coast of Jersey 1: 25 000 WGS 84
2500.12 Jersey to Granville 1: 150 000 WGS 84
Plan Granville (1:30 000)
2500.13 Plateau des Minquiers 1: 50 000 WGS 84
2500.14 Plateau des Minquiers to St-Malo 1: 150 000 WGS 84
Plan St-Malo Approaches (1:55 000)
2500.15 Îles Chausey 1: 25 000 WGS 84
2500.16 St-Malo & La Rance 1: 15 000 WGS 84
2500.17 La Rance - Cancaval to Lyvet 1: 25 000 WGS 84
Imray Digital Charts
A voucher code to download ID20 Imray English Channel charts into the Imray Navigator app is included with this chart pack.
See Inside
Product Information
- Stock code: IC2500-4
- Author: Imray
- Publication details: A2 590 x 420mm, Double-sided cartridge paper in plastic wallet
- Edition date: 2022
- Printed and updated to: September 2022
- ISBN: 9781786793911
Digital Edition
Digital editions, where available, are sold via third party websites which deal with all transactions. If there is no link below then no digital edition is available at this time.