RYA Handy Guide to the Racing Rules 2025-2028 (YR7)
About this Product
The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) are revised and published every four years by World Sailing, the international authority for the sport.
This pocket guide is a simplified view of the basic racing rules and has been updated to reflect the Racing Rules of Sailing 2025-2028. It is essential reading if you are new to racing and covers the following key areas:
- Principals
- Keep Clear and Giving Room
- When Boats Meet
- Turns Penalties
- Propulsion
- Protesting and Requesting Redress
- The Race Committee
For simplicity, this guide does not cover all of the rules and exceptions; sailors are strongly recommended to study the Racing Rules of Sailing (code RRS25) in addition to this publication.
See Inside
Product Information
- Stock code: RBRYA0140-3
- Author: RYA
- Publisher: Instructional
- Publication details: 17, Paperback
- Edition date: 2020
- ISBN: 9781910014794
Digital Edition
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